Emperor King Fish


Emperor Fish is known in local places like Vaalai Meen / Sheri / Mula / Pigface Bream / Kulli Kozhi / Vilai Meen / Valai Meen / Arabi / Gahash . The Emperor as its called is Majestic in all sense to look at and eat. A common menu item in most luxury hotels. Large & fleshy meat – the King of Fish does come in Fifty different Shades – Grey, Silver, Yellow, Classic. Highly rich in Protein and Phosphorus.

Very firm and rich flesh with less bones Found in shallow reefs and seagrass beds, the emperor fish is a delicacy enjoyed worldwide. They live in large schools and are a favorite among fishermen and city dwellers across India. There are many varieties of the emperor fish, like the Red Emperor and Trumpet Emperor. What makes it sought-after is its taste and texture.

The Emperor fish is known to be less oily and have a mild and slightly sweet flavour. They grow upto 100cm, they look like snapper, Deep bodied and not as elongated Most species inhabit hard bottom of sandstone and coral, or coral and sandstone. They feed mollusks, bivalves or oysters. It has large head. This fish is ideal for BBQ Fish, Baked Fish, Fillets, Fries and gravies. They should be Firm, moist, shiny, and cold to touch, the fish should bounce back when touched. 

The Fish slices dry out quickly if overcooked and should be cooked with care.

Benefits are: a) Reduces risk of heart disease, b) Asthma, c) Cancer, d) Diabetes, e) Inflammatory conditions, f) Better skin and hair, g) Helps brain development, h) Eyesight.

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