How to Irrigate Red Napier grass farms?
Red Napier can be irrigated through Flood Irrigation and also through Drip Irrigation
Red Napier responds well to Flood Irrigation compared to Drip Irrigation
We can use 3 inch black hose to take water to the furrows
We can make arrangement in such way that at least 5 furrows can be irrigated at a time
Furrows should be made at a gap of two and half feet so that water flows
T-Joint can been made in the pipeline so that water flows
Water will flow from one end of the furrow to other end through gravity
We can also add liquid fertilizer in the pipe line to promote growth
Red Napier farm needs to be irrigated at least twice a week

Red Napier will be fresh and healthy if the plants are irrigated regularly
If the farms in not irrigated regularly, the leaves will become dry
During Summer we might require irrigation at least thrice a week
During rainy season we will not require irrigation as the soil will be moist
When irrigated regularly, grass will be ready for harvest in 2 to 3 months
Sprinker system will not work as the plants grow above 10 feet
Red Napier will be ready for harvesting after 75 to 90 days
After harvesting, grass can be chopped using Chop Cutter and fed to cattles

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